Art, Culture and Sustainability


“Inspired by art-making and up-cycling practice, Tardigrade World maximises the benefit of what art can give!”


Tardigrade World was born in 2019 as a response to New Zealand's shifting waste management landscape, spurred by the country's inability to export waste to China, as highlighted in the sources here: link.

Aligned with Auckland Council's ambitious goal of achieving zero waste by 2040, which involves enhancing environmental stewardship and transforming waste into valuable resources, TW has taken up the challenge to elevate these efforts. In light of Auckland Council's comprehensive plan to reduce waste across various sectors, adapting to these changes requires increased flexibility and the restructuring of social enterprises to align with new paradigms.

As active contributors to the broader community, TW believes that the art community and its professionals can play a pivotal role in this transformation. Our vision revolves around fostering transdisciplinary practices that amalgamate art, behaviour change initiatives, and hands-on craftsmanship. Through experimentation and the evolution of our research methodologies, we aspire to pioneer innovative approaches to these pressing issues.

Expertise and networks:

Through our efforts to bridge the gap between artists and resource recovery networks, we are actively fostering a collaborative environment where our vision can be not only envisioned but also realised in practical terms.

This approach allows us to explore innovative solutions, test different strategies, and facilitate the actual implementation of our vision within these interconnected ecosystems. We firmly believe that this unique synergy between artists and resource recovery networks will not only benefit our immediate community but also contribute to broader sustainability goals


Transdisciplinary practice is the cornerstone of TW's approach to addressing waste management and sustainability challenges with in creative and artistic contexts. It signifies TW's commitment to breaking down traditional disciplinary boundaries and embracing a holistic and collaborative approach that spans various fields and expertise areas.

Check the details here.


Check our projects here.

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